Friday 20 May 2011

Taking A Look At Popular Golfing Apps

By Anne Harvester

This article will be carefully considering the recent popularity that is being attributed to some of the golfing apps that are starting to pop up for sale. Before advanced mobile computers, this sport was a very popular one. Through their use it is only becoming more popular.

A lot of consumers go around the web looking for any free mobile application that they can find while ignoring the old saying: "You always get EXACTLY what you pay for." Any consumer such as this that loves to play the game might have been looking for free applications related to golf. They do exist, but they simply cannot compare to the ones that have a price tag. Free applications are often nothing more than a digital score card.

It is no secret that many people prefer one major mobile phone while other people might prefer another one all together. There are very effective golf applications being sold for just about every major mobile model under the sun. It is important to remember that some companies will make the same exact application for all popular formats. This is why some people talk to their golf buddies to see what they might be running.

The amount of battery life that various applications are able to eat through will often vary a great deal. Most people run some applications that hardly take up any battery life at all, while some of the others that they are running seem to eat through their battery at an alarming rate. The second description better fits most golf based applications and this is why a good charge never hurts before hitting the green.

There are two very common features that are very simple, yet quite important to mention here nonetheless. The first simple feature allows the mobile app to serve as a type of digital score card for the player using the phone. This is a very easy (and accurate) way to keep track of everybody's handicap during a game. Also consider that it is easier to plug numbers into an app than to write and track on a score card.

Some mobile applications might have some type of feature that allows them to track down any ranges that might be in the area. This comes in particularly handy while on vacation. A vacationer is not always going to be aware of the golf spots in the area that they are visiting, and this is why it might prove to be handy to have this type of device tell them exactly where they might play.

There are many applications that will offer more advanced features through the use of GPS connectivity. This type of service connects with a satellite to bring very accurate results. When a person is playing on a course, he or she can load up a "virtual" copy using the GPS in some of these applications. The advanced features possible through such technology are pretty much endless.

It is now hoped that readers are able to better understand some of the recent popularity that is being attributed to many of the golfing apps that are commonly seen for sale on the web. People with an expensive phone might want to get their monies worth by skipping out on the old fashioned score card.

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