Monday, 4 July 2011

Birmingham Computer Support Services

By Joe Davies

A computer repair service is something you may well need in your business. Having a service on call to repair your workstations is a must if you want to have a pain free office. Waiting until it's too late may result in a delay before your computers are repaired. You may even opt to have an in house IT support team.

Computer problems may range from email and internet issues to specific software issues such as Microsoft programs like Word and Excel. You'll find that most computer repair services have a skill set of repairing Microsoft based programs and Windows machines. If your company has Apple macs you may need to look for a mac computer repair specialist.

For offices with networks you need to make sure that your computer repair company is experienced with network fixing. Smaller networks will not require a full in house person to look after the network as there is not much chance a smaller network will require much work. Larger networks will be more suited to an employee who is sufficient in fixing networks.

In house repair people could be an advantage if you have a big office with lots of employees using system resource everyday. For example if you have lots of machines running on multiple networks, this becomes a full time job to manage and repair them if something goes wrong. If this is the case consider hiring a network specialist as an employee rather than outsourcing it to a computer repair company.

Some companies are pay by hour while others have an ongoing contract in which you pay them for a certain number of hours support per month. Depending on the size of your company and the number of computers you should choose the option that is right for your company. You may find that contracting a company for computer support services is overkill for the amount of actual repairs or maintenance needed on your computers.

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