Sunday, 7 August 2011

FM Modulator For My iPod

By James M. Boersma

Listening to personal music when I'm on the go is one of my favorite things in life. When I'm working out, or driving to work, it is much more enjoyable to listen to my favorite music, rather than commercial radio or silence. An iPod is so great because they can hold more music than I could have ever collected if I were buying CDs.

iPods took portable music to a whole new level. The stylish nature of the iPod and all other Apple products makes their customers extremely loyal. Apple products are usually easy to use and feature intuitive menus and operating systems. Using an iPod when driving in the car is a great way to make the morning drive less mundane. In an older car there may not be a quick and easy way to hook it up though. An easy way to solve this problem is to purchase an FM modulator.

Most people think that wired FM modulators are the best option. These types of modulators require extensive installation, which will cost you more time and money. The other downfall of wired modulators is that they can only be used in the car. While this is probably where you will use it the most, it is still a nice feature to be able to use it in the home as well (as with a wireless unit).

When you're shopping for FM modulators it is important to know what the important features are. If you accidentally buy a modulator that doesn't perform the way you thought it would, it can be a real bummer. Make sure you get an FM modulator that will allow you to transmit any audio source on any frequency on the public FM band. The best wireless FM modulator should also transmit your audio for up to 150 feet. This is important if you want rich, clear, static free audio.

Make sure to buy a modulator with a good reputation. You can easily do a Google search on most FM modulators to find out if other people are satisfied with their performance. Cheaper modulators will usually have really poor reputations, because they often aren't worth the box they were shipped in. The FM modulators with good feedback on sites like eBay and Amazon are the best for a reason.

Wireless FM modulators give you many more options than a wired unit. Being able to use the modulator in multiple vehicles and other locations like your home is a huge advantage. Wireless units are also much easier to use and setup because they require no extensive installation like a wired FM modulator. All in all a wireless FM modulator provides more bang for the buck.

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